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Sail through our free printable math worksheets compiled for students, steering through topics like fractions, geometry, visual maths and more. These worksheets will help foster an understanding of foundational concepts.
Fun with fractions
Beautiful geometry
Try solving the puzzles from the Club1729 posters below. This consists of visual math figures that help your child develop reasoning skills and make them a logical thinker.
Each year a number of math books are published, but few of them are successful enough to be loved by mathematicians and students all around the world. Here are Club1729’s recommendations of best math books that help you to understand the complexity of the mathematics puzzles and their underlying theories.

Proof Without Word

Each year a number of math books are published, but few of them are successful enough to be loved by mathematicians and students all around the world. Here are Club1729’s recommendations of best math books that help you to understand the complexity of the mathematics puzzles and their underlying theories.

My Best Mathematical & Logic Puzzles

Over a period of 25 years as author of the Mathematical Games column for Scientific American, Martin Gardner devoted a column every six months or so to short math problems or puzzles. He was especially careful to present new and unfamiliar puzzles that had not been included in such classic collections as those by Sam Loyd and Henry Dudeney.

The Moscow Puzzles

This is, quite simply, the best and most popular puzzle book ever published in the Soviet Union. Since its first appearance in 1956 there have been eight editions as well as translations from the original Russian into Ukrainian, Estonian, Lettish, and Lithuanian.Part of the reason for the book’s success is its marvelously varied assortment of brainteasers ranging from simple “catch” riddles to difficult problems (none, however, requiring advanced mathematics).

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