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Maths Club

Math Club

Welcome to the Clubs. A club is a ‘fellowship’ of 20-25 students who embark on a journey to improve or fall in love with puzzles, problems and mathematics.
The Club is led by a Facilitator from Club 1729 who nudges, inspires and at times, helps students to explore and learn.

How is club formed?

There are two ways

A club can be formed by a group of students in a class or school or an area

You can join a completely virtual club where students can be anywhere in the world A Club (chapter) will have students of same age group (two standards combined)

How does club work:

Each Friday, the club hands over set of activities, open-ended questions and puzzles.

The students of a club meet / interact / connect to complete them

Every week, the facilitator meets the students online and the discusses the activities and problems

During the week, the facilitator encourages and nudges children to work

What activities are done in clubs?

Puzzles with multiple levels of difficulty for students to discover patterns and formulae on their own

Challenging and Contest Problems

Open ended activities where students make and prove conjectures

Problems where multiple approaches can work

Math Club Programme
Math Club Fees

Join a Club or Start a Club

Contact: Dhiraj (+91-9850682789) or Bhagyashree (+91-9921196789)

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